Align your strategy with your vision, mission, purpose and values by shifting mindsets, feelings and actions

Leadership Development

At Sense to Solve we recognise that every organisation, leader and team dynamics are unique. Simply put, there is no one size-fits-all solution when it comes to effective leadership development.

For best results, we start each leadership project with a process of discovery. In this phase, we work closely with you and your leaders to understand the strengths and challenges across all leadership levels to extract and develop actionable insights.

Our data-led methodology includes quick and easy online assessments via our TeamBarometerā„¢ app, other digital surveys, one-on-one interviews, leader focus groups and discovery workshops with your EXCO team.

Based on our findings, Sense to Solve will develop a customised leader-centric programme that is practical and purposefully designed to close the skills gaps, develop new mindsets and shift behaviours according to the unique needs of your leadership team.

Most of our leadership programmes are underpinned by neuroscience, proven managerial and behavioural insights. They include a light tutorial component, self-learning and self-reflection processes, applied work for the leader to test and apply with their team/s and peer-driven sharing and learning between leaders.


LeadershipĀ Development Solutions

TeamSync is a data-driven, applied leadership program. It fosters trust, psychological safety and sense of belonging, whilst addressing diversity and inclusion. It tackles hybrid workload challenges, enhances team alignment, prioritisation, planning and focus. It builds conflict competence, enhances boundary setting, collaboration and creative confidence. You will also learn how to use and apply integrative thinking for enhanced solutions and better decision-making.


Our TeamBarometerā„¢ App empowers leaders and organisations to measure and track team performance in real-time. It includes six different assessments that are quick and easy to complete: Trust in organisation, Trust in team, Team Safety, Sense of Belonging, Team Assessment of Leader and Leader Self-Assessment. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, you can boost performance with targeted interventions. TeamBarometerā„¢ is useful for leadership, team alignment and culture programmes.


Future-Ready leadership is a practical Applied Leadership programme focussed on the skills leaders need to thrive in todayā€™s world. It builds capacity for cognitive load management, complexity and adaptability. It develops emotional intelligence and resilience. Leaders will learn problem solving and integrative thinking skills to enhance innovation and decision making, whilst fostering an ethical predisposition, learning to lean into diversity and inclusion with collaborative mindsets, tools and techniques.


Our LeadershipĀ Model